Monthly Archives: July 2011

Is This Hell? Now available!

Hello Friend,
The new EP is now available on limited edition vinyl and digital download!

If you have pre-ordered the record, you can now retrieve your download on the order status page.

Thanks sad pal…

Regretfully yours,
Lonesome Wyatt

Posted in Merch, New Releases

“Is This Hell?” Reviewed by No Depression

Screen shot 2013-06-09 at 8.34.54 PM

Pessimists like me will relate to every word.

Posted in TPB Press

“Is This Hell?” Pre-Order!

Hello friends,
The new Those Poor Bastards limited edition 7″ EP “Is This Hell?” is now available for pre-order.
It will also include a free MP3 download, if you’re interested in such fancy nonsense.

Come have yourself a look and a listen.
Good luck.

Your pal,
Lonesome Wyatt

Posted in Merch, New Releases