Monthly Archives: December 2011

Heartsick Review by American Roots UK

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…the haunting instrumentation ensures this is never an album to really lift the spirits…

Posted in LW Press

Those Poor Bastards: Top 15 Milwaukee Show of 2011

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Guitarist and frontman Lonesome Wyatt—with his long black hair, top hat, and wide, laser-shooting eyes—projected a sort of rockabilly Peter Steele bravado that could be aptly described as “hilariously evil.”

Posted in TPB Press

Shooter Jenning’s Top 11 Albums of 2011: ‘Heartsick’

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The sound of this record is amazing, haunting and just plain intimidating.

Posted in LW Press

Watch the Official Video for “Feast of Fear”!

Hello pal,

You are hereby invited to fill your eyeballs with the new Lonesome Wyatt and the Holy Spooks’ moving picture extravaganza “Feast of Fear.”

I hope you will find it somewhat enjoyable. Thank you.

Your miserable friend,
Lonesome Wyatt

Posted in New Releases