Monthly Archives: October 2014

Saving Country Music’s Halloween Review of ‘Vicious Losers’

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Whether you’re truly disturbed, or simply love to immerse yourself in that dark side of humanity inherent in us all by design, Those Poor Bastards can be a vessel for your journey.

Posted in TPB Press

Music Savage on ‘Vicious Losers’

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take a listen to Those Poor Bastards’ new album, Vicious Losers, and turn that smile upside down.

Posted in TPB Press

New Those Poor Bastards Album ‘Vicious Losers’ Released Today!

Today is the official release date for ‘Vicious Losers.’ Step into the fiery pit and order yourself a copy on vinyl, CD, or MP3 right here:
Order ‘Vicious Losers’ >

Thanks again to everyone who pre-ordered! Every last one of the damn things have shipped. We hope you enjoy these grim psalms of sickness…

Your pals,
Lonesome Wyatt and The Minister

Posted in New Releases