Catalog Number TRC039
Lonesome Wyatt and The Minister load up their busted covered wagon with instruments of the damned, and journey deep into the dark wilderness to brew up a gut churning stew of traditional and original country doom dirges. Listen to “Old Time Suffering” and sink back to those wholesome days of crumbling gallows, smallpox and the all consuming stench of gangrene.
Picture Disc Vinyl QTY: 100
Red/Clear Flames Vinyl QTY: 200
BLack with White Splatter Vinyl QTY: 200
Orange and Bone with Black Splatter Vinyl QTY: 200
Track Listing & Clips
Chopping wood
Chopping wood for winter
Chopping wood
Oh the axe is sharpened
And the day is long
Deep within the forest
At the break of dawn
Trying to keep the wolves at bay
Chopping wood for winter
Chopping wood
Chopping wood for winter
Chopping wood
Northern wind blows fiercely
And I feel its chill
Of these scavengers Lord
I have had my fill
Trying to keep the wolves at bay
Chopping wood for winter
Chopping wood
Chopping wood for winter
Chopping wood
To get up our courage we drank and we drank
Buckets of whiskey bottles of wine
‘Til we were wild and out of our minds
We went to my brother’s to borrow a gun
He spat in my face and away we did run
Off to my uncle’s to get us some bread
Somehow or other he ended up dead
Oh they always say that crime doesn’t pay
But it does if you can just get away
Old Doctor Samson gave us his car
After we splattered his brains on the wall
I started driving I drove off the road
Into the stream where the water was cold
Snaggle Tooth Willie fell out and he drowned
We planted him deep deep deep in the ground
We found us a bar where the music was sad
Such gory fun boys it never was had
Oh they always say that crime doesn’t pay
But it does if you can just get away
Finally at midnight we got to the bank
Haggard hung over and Lord how we stank
We busted the glass then we walked through the door
Beat on the guard ’til he fell on the floor
“Give us some money!” yelled Crooked Eye Bill
“Don’t say you won’t ’cause I know that you will.”
Got some explosives and blew up the safe
Took us a million then burned down that place
Oh they always say that crime doesn’t pay
But it does if you can just get away
Yes they always say that crime doesn’t pay
But it does if you can just get away
These bones are gonna rise again
Made ’em out of bone and a little bit of sand
These bones are gonna rise again
Adam was the first one that he made
These bones are gonna rise again
He put him on the bank and he lay him in the shade
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
Thought he’d make a woman too
These bones are gonna rise again
Did not know exactly what to do
These bones are gonna rise again
So he took a rib from Adam’s side
These bones are gonna rise again
Made Miss Eve for to be his bride
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
Put ’em in a garden rich and fair
These bones are gonna rise again
Told ’em they might eat whatever was there
These bones are gonna rise again
But to one tree they must not go
These bones are gonna rise again
Must leave the apples there to grow
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
Old Miss Eve came walking around
These bones are gonna rise again
Spied a tree all loaded down
These bones are gonna rise again
Serpent coiled around the trunk
These bones are gonna rise again
At Miss Eve his eye he wunk
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
First she took a little pull
These bones are gonna rise again
Then she filled her apron full
These bones are gonna rise again
Then she took Adam a slice
These bones are gonna rise again
He smacked his lips and said it was nice
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
The Lord he came a wandering around
These bones are gonna rise again
He spied them apple peelings on the ground
These bones are gonna rise again
The Lord he spoke with a powerful voice
These bones are gonna rise again
Shook this ol’ world to the very joists
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
These bones are gonna rise again
Here Master Lord I’m coming now
These bones are gonna rise again
These bones are gonna rise again
No Master Lord but I ’spect it was Eve
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
The Lord he rose up in his wrath
These bones are gonna rise again
These bones are gonna rise again
These bones are gonna rise again
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
He put an angel at the door
These bones are gonna rise again
Told ’em not to never come back there no more
These bones are gonna rise again
Of this tale there ain’t no more
These bones are gonna rise again
Eve ate the apples and gave Adam the core
These bones are gonna rise again
I knew it ’deed I knew it
These bones are gonna rise again
Grows green at dawn cut down at eve
It shows our decay we are but clay
Think of this when you smoke tobacco
The pipe that is so lily white
Wherein so many take delight
Gone with a touch man’s life is such
Think of this when you smoke tobacco
The pipe that is so foul within
Shows how the soul is stained with sin
It doth require the purging fire
Think of this when you smoke tobacco
The ashes that are left behind
Do serve to put us all in mind
That unto dust return we must
Think of this when you smoke tobacco
The smoke that doth so high ascend
Shows that our life must have an end
The vapor’s gone man’s life is done
Think of this when you smoke tobacco
Just as green as a sucker could be
The monopolies banded together
To beat a poor hayseed like me
To beat a poor hayseed like me
To beat a poor hayseed like me
The monopolies banded together
To beat a poor hayseed like me
The railroads and old party bosses
Together did sweetly agree
And they thought that there’d be little trouble
In working a hayseed like me
In working a hayseed like me
In working a hayseed like me
They thought that there’d be little trouble
In working a hayseed like me
But now I’ve been roused up a little
And their greed and corruption I see
If the hayseeds can all stick together
We’ll conquer their Satanic Greed
We’ll conquer their Satanic Greed
We’ll conquer their Satanic Greed
If the hayseeds can all stick together
We’ll conquer their Satanic Greed
Tying knots in my legs
Got a bullet in my shoulder
Gambler shot me down at Meg’s
Found a six headed snake
Speaking tongues by the fence
At first I was confused
Then it started making sense
Caught the yellow fever
Back when I was twenty three
It murdered my sweetheart
But it did not murder me
For many years I wandered
Through the deserts and the snow
No one to care
And no one to know
Oh dear Lord
Dear Lord
Grief hits so hard
So hard
Yellow belly drifter
Rides upon a rabid dog
Seen his eyes a glowing
Through the mystifying fog
Pulled my ivory handled knife
And I stabbed him in the face
Brains and blood dripping
All over the place
They’re laying down the rails
For a continental train
Soon this wild country
Will be civilized and tamed
Oh once I could find comfort
In the bottom of the glass
Now I can’t find nothing
But your disapproving glance
Oh dear Lord
Dear Lord
Grief hits so hard
So hard
Don’t you dare to fence me in
Wipe your face from off that grin
There’s a widow in El Paso
Though she’s only got one arm
She’ll hold you to her bosom
And bewitch you with her charm
Seen a woman who was sleeping
Send her spirit into town
She hoisted up her skirt
Then she brought the boys around
I ain’t really sure of this
Or anything at all
Can’t even trust your
Own delusions anymore
Stole some diamond rings
And some earrings made of gold
The meaningless pursuit of wealth
Will turn your spirit cold
Oh dear Lord
Dear Lord
Grief hits so hard
So hard
Don’t you dare to fence me in
Wipe your face from off that grin
Beware oh take care
They say they’re true, but they’re liars you see
Beware oh take care
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Trust them not they’re fooling you
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Beware oh take care
Around their neck they wear a guard
Beware oh take care
And in their pocket is a deck of cards
Beware oh take care
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Trust them not they’re fooling you
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Beware oh take care
They smoke they chew they wear fine shoes
Beware oh take care
And in their other pocket is a bottle of booze
Beware oh take care
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Trust them not they’re fooling you
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Beware oh take care
They hold their hands up to their heart
They sigh oh they sigh
They say they love no one but you
They lie oh they lie
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Trust them not they’re fooling you
Beware young ladies they’re fooling you
Beware oh take care
Beware oh take care
With my grinning picture inside
Her eyes they seemed
To be looking for some place to hide
The moon was a bright burning ball
And I felt so low
I told her all the things
I never had told
Then we stood around for an hour
The wind in our hair
She said “Wherever you take me
Don’t take me there.”
She pointed at a big black building
She saw in a cloud
Distant thunder rumbled
Deep and loud
But all of those days have dried up
And blown away like leaves in the wind
Oh Henrietta
I don’t think I should see you again
We tried so hard to somehow
Recapture the past
But deep down we both knew the cold truth
You can’t
Down by the bridge
Near the lake where the roots intertwine
Our hands in the mud
I swear we touched the divine
It’s not where I wanted to go
But it was a start
Seemed there were always
Excuses to keep us apart
And then I just turned my back
And it all disappeared
The blood and the gore and the grey
Grew thick in my beard
But all of those days have dried up
And blown away like leaves in the wind
Oh Henrietta
I don’t think I should see you again
Sometimes you go into places
You should never go
How it all led up to this
I surely don’t know
What we promised would not be
Had somehow become
Thought I could keep you forever
Beneath my thumb
For almost a year we pretended
That we were free
We hung like the moss on a limb
Of a sycamore tree
So long I’m leaving to explore
The ruins in my head
Nothing ever mattered to us
Until it was dead
But all of those days have dried up
And blown away like leaves in the wind
Oh Henrietta
I don’t think I should see you again
Yes all of those days have dried up
And blown away like leaves in the wind
Oh Henrietta
I don’t think I should see you again
With promises vast as the ocean
Her antique tongue poisoned my heart
With words of eternal devotion
Oh oh oh oh oh mysterious stranger
Oh oh oh oh oh la da da da la da da da
Is she the one mother warned me about?
With hands soft and cold as the grave dirt
At a masquerade ball in a house by the sea
She held me so tight ’til it started to hurt
Oh oh oh oh oh mysterious stranger
Oh oh oh oh oh la da da da la da da da
Where did she come from and where has she been?
Beware the serpent in the skin of woman
Is she the one mother warned me about?
Her eyes seem to burn me like hot coals
Her figure so trim her features so fair
A creature of sadness and shadows
Oh oh oh oh oh mysterious stranger
Oh oh oh oh oh la da da da la da da da
Is she the one mother warned me about?
With riches enough for a kingdom
Mother please help me for I cannot tell
Is she my true love or a demon from hell?
Oh oh oh oh oh mysterious stranger
Oh oh oh oh oh la da da da la da da da
Where did she come from and where has she been?
Beware the serpent in the skin of woman
Oh oh oh oh oh mysterious stranger
Oh oh oh oh oh la da da da
I’ll tell you what has lately been
A woman who was young and fair
Died in sin and deep despair
She went to parties everyday
In spite of all her friends could say
“I’ll turn to God when I get old
And He will then receive my soul.”
On Friday morning she took sick
Her stubborn heart began to break
She called her mother to her bed
Her eyes were rolling in her head
“Oh Mother, Mother fare you well
Your wicked Polly’s doomed to hell
The tears are lost you shed for me
My soul is lost I plainly see.”
“My earthly Father fare you well
Your wicked Polly’s doomed to hell
The flaming wrath begins to roll
I am a lost and ruined soul.”
“Your councils I have ignored all
My carnal appetites to fill
When I am dead remember well
Your wicked Polly groans in hell.”
She gnawed her tongue before she died
She rolled she groaned she screamed she cried
“Oh must I burn forevermore
’Til a thousand years are o’er?”
It almost broke her Mother’s heart
To see her child to hell depart
“Oh is my daughter gone to hell
My grief’s so great no tongue can tell.”
She wrung her hands and groaned and cried
And gnawed her tongue before she died
Her nails turned black her voice did fail
She died and left this lower veil
Young people let this be your case
Oh turn to God and trust His grace
Down on your knees for mercy cry
Lest you in sin like Polly die
Well I still have money to spend
Tomorrow might be Monday
And I neither have a dollar or a friend
When I had plenty of money
My friends were all standing around
But as soon as my pockets were empty
Not friend on this earth could be found
And it’s all around this jailhouse
Forty dollars will pay my fine
Corn liquor’s around in my body
Pretty women are troubling my mind
If I had’ve listened to my mama
I wouldn’t’ve been here today
A lying around this jailhouse
Just sleeping my life away
Give me cornbread when I’m hungry
Give me whiskey when I’m dry
Give me greenbacks when I’m hard up
Sweet heaven when I die
Did a hole dig a hole in the meadow
Dig a hole in the cold cold ground
Go and dig me a hole in the meadow
And just watch this poor rambler go down
Howling with coyotes and crippled with pain
Head in my hands as I lay in the dirt
This rot gut liquor sure makes my soul hurt
Sickly sweet scent of magnolia trees
I’d rather be anyone other than me
How did I get here what path did I take
It’s been a week since the last time I ate
But I cannot move the whole earth’s in a spin
Dignity lost to my weakness and sin
People don’t change so I won’t even try
I’d kill for some eggs and a bottle of rye
If there’s a hell it couldn’t be any worse
If there’s a hell it couldn’t be any worse
If there’s a hell it couldn’t be any worse
Than this
Back to the Primitive (2024)
God Awful (2022)
Old Time Suffering (2021)
Evil Seeds (2019)
Inhuman Nature (2018)
Necrosphere EP (2016)
Sing It Ugly (2016)
Vicious Losers (2014)
Behold The Abyss (2012)
Is This Hell? EP (2011)
Gospel Haunted (2010)
Gospel Outtakes EP (2010)
Abominations EP (2009)
Black Dog Yodel EP (2009)
Satan Is Watching (2008)
The Plague (2008)
Hellfire Hymns (2007)
Pills I Took 7″ (2006)
Songs of Desperation (2005)
Country Bullshit EP (2004)