Dear Pals,
On September 11, 2012, Those Poor Bastards will release the dreaded new album “Behold the Abyss.” Mercifully, we have decided to begin the suffering a little early.
Go ahead and torture your eardrums with our new hit song “Sacrificial Lamb.”
“Behold the Abyss” Track Listing
1. Thee Beginning
2. He of Cloven Hoof
3. A Robe of Scarlet Thread
4. Old Red
5. My Beautiful Knife
6. Phantom Pool
7. Guilt
8. Find Me A Gal
9. Everything is Temporary
10. Your Faith Shall Be Tested
11. Sacrificial Lamb
12. God’s Dark Heaven
12. Thee End
Pre-order for this whole terrible mess will begin August 28th.
Thanks a heap.
Your miserable friend,
Lonesome Wyatt