Sinister, malevolent, perverse, dire, malignant. He has taken a lost art and pushed it up a menacing notch.
Sinister, malevolent, perverse, dire, malignant. He has taken a lost art and pushed it up a menacing notch.
Terrible Tale is fucked up, but in a fun, EC-Comics-turned-up-to-eleven kind of way.
We discuss with Wyatt his latest musical ventures, his novel and upcoming Halloween plans
It is with great honor and pride that I am able to present to you my chat with the creator of “strange, sad music from a time that never was”, the one and only LONESOME WYATT of Those Poor Bastards and Lonesome Wyatt and The Holy Spooks. Mercy!
There is a Those Poor Bastards’ interview/article about “Behold The Abyss,” and “The Terrible Tale of Edgar Switchblade,” in the November issue of Rue Morgue Magazine.
What oozed out is baroque, gory, and gloriously weird.
Hey, Lonesome Wyatt, thank you for restoring hope in me. Thank you for showing me that music could still be as innovative, creative, and show just as much raw emotion as it ever has to me.
Guitarist and frontman Lonesome Wyatt—with his long black hair, top hat, and wide, laser-shooting eyes—projected a sort of rockabilly Peter Steele bravado that could be aptly described as “hilariously evil.”